Ann Clin Radiol | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Xing Tang1#, Jin-Bo Jiang2#, Long-Biao Cui1,2*, Hong Wang1, Bin Zhang1, Shun Qi1, Hong Yin1
1Department of Radiology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China
2Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Medical Psychology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an
710032, China
*Correspondance to: Long-Biao Cui,
Fulltext PDFObjective: Prenatal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been shown to be useful in diagnosing the developmental abnormality of fetuses. Due regard being given to prenatal MRI as an efficient adjunct to Ultrasonography (US), this study sought to demonstrate the in utero visualization of fetal hepatic and retroperitoneal tumor on MRI based on the pathological type. Methods: We evaluated 267 pregnant women underwent prenatal MRI, among which 5 fetuses had upper abdominal masses (hepatic hemangioendotheliomas in 2, hepatoblastoma in 1, and neuroblastomas in 2) depicted on fetal MR images, confirmed by the following pathological results. With an MRI standard protocol, T2-weighted Single-Shot Turbo-Spin Echo (SSTSE), T1-Weighted Water Selective (WATS), and Diffusion-Weighted (DW) sequences, the whole fetal abdomen was assessed for lesions on the basis of the histopathological type. Results: On MR images, fetal hepatic hemangioendothelioma, neuroblastomas, and hepatoblastoma shared considerable overlap in imaging features, showing an isolated liver tumor with heterogeneous low T1 and high T2 signal intensity. Distinct characteristics included: (1) local mild hyperintensity within the mass on DW images for hepatic hemangioendothelioma; (2) much more variable signal intensity, with local mild hyperintensity within the mass on DW images for hepatoblastoma; and (3) a hyperintense mass arising from the retroperitoneum on DW images, with central higher T2 and low DW signal intensity representing cystic degeneration for the neuroblastoma. Conclusion: In this study we demonstrated that prenatal MRI provides the common and unique imaging features for the diagnosis of fetal hepatic hemangioendothelioma, hepatoblastoma, and retroperitoneal neuroblastoma.
Fetus; Tumor; Magnetic resonance imaging; Prenatal diagnosis; Pathology
Tang X, Jiang JB, Cui LB, Wang H, Zhang B, Qi S, et al. Prenatal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Hepatic and Retroperitoneal Tumors. Ann Clin Radiol. 2019; 2(1): 1015..