Ann Clin Otolaryngol | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Review Article | Open Access
Rienzo Businco LD1*, Longo P1, Silva Pavaci S2 and Federica Tortorella F2
1Otorhinolaryngology Unit, Diagnosis and Therapy Center, Italy
2Otorhinolaryngology Unit, Institute of Medicine, CONI Lab - Rome, Italy
*Correspondance to: Rienzo Businco LD
Fulltext PDFNumerous new instruments have been introduced on the medical market in recent years: Latest generation hemodynamic balloons with shock wave emission; balloon scoring and drug releasing; third generation radio frequencies with regenerative action based on the theory of Quantum Molecular Resonance (QMR); kinetic-oscillatory stimulation balloon KOS (Kinetic Oscillating Stimulation). All these innovative tools; as we named Thinvasive DRB system; represent the basis for modern therapies capable to ensure good maintenance and improving the barrier mechanisms of the upper airways as a whole. In our review we describe these integrated approaches aim to prevent; for example; infections from viruses; bacteria or fungi; reduce the symptoms of rhinitis and sinusitis; and improve the performance of the organism and the quality of life.
Balloon; Endoscopic sinus surgery; Eustachian tube; KOS; Obstructive sleep apnea;
QMR; Rhinitis; Sinusitis; Turbinate
Rienzo Businco LD, Longo P, Silva Pavaci S, Federica Tortorella F. Innovative Mini-Invasive Treatments with New Devices for Upper Respiratory Flogosis: Thinvasive Protocols with High Technology Balloons and Quantum Molecular Resonance. Ann Clin Otolaryngol. 2021; 6(2): 1053.