Ann Clin Med Res | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Bobo TI1, Ano-Edward GH2*, Bakare TY1 and Ogunlaja AO1
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria 2Department of Anatomic Pathology, Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
*Correspondance to: Ano-Edward GH
Fulltext PDFRationale: Both scar endometriosis and utero-cutaneous fistula complicating caesarean section is a rare occurrence, only a few cases have been reported in the literature. Patient Concern: She developed cyclical bleeding from the previous operation site associated with abdominal pain. The bleeding occurred whenever she was having her menstrual period. Diagnosis: An initial diagnosis of scar endometriosis was made. Intervention: She had surgical excision of the fibrotic subcutaneous tissue and rectus sheath with the repair of the fistulous uterus. The histopathological examination was scar endometriosis and utero-cutaneous fistula Outcome: She did well post-surgery and was discharged home and the follow-up clinic visits were not eventful. Lessons: Caesarean section wound infection is a risk factor for utero-cutaneous fistula formation and scar endometriosis. Meticulous excision of the endometriotic skin, the fistulous tract, and repair of the fistulous uterus is an effective modality of management.
Caesarean section; Scar endometriosis; Utero-cutaneous fistula
Bobo TI, Ano-Edward GH, Bakare TY, Ogunlaja AO. Menstruating Skin: Utero- Cutaneous Fistula Coexisting with Scar Endometriosis: A Case Report. Ann Clin Med Res. 2023;4(1):1070..