Ann Clin Anesth Res | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Orestes E O’Brien, Flora Li, Anne Shapiro, David Gambling and Ulrich Schmidt*
Department of Anesthesiology, University of California, USA
*Correspondance to: Ulrich Schmidt
Fulltext PDFMaternal diastolic function has been shown to deteriorate during the progression of pregnancy. Neuroaxial blockade has been reported to improve diastolic dysfunction in patient with coronary artery disease. We therefore hypothesized that neuroaxial blockade will improve diastolic function of parturients at term. Sixty two parturients who either underwent Continuous Labor Epidural analgesia (CLE) or Combined Spinal Epidural analgesia (CSE) (35 cases) were enrolled. The subjects underwent echocardiography prior and after induction of neuroaxial blockade. In these parturients there was no evidence of diastolic dysfunction at baseline. Neuroaxial blockade did not alter parameters of diastolic function in these patients. We conclude that neuroaxial analgesia does not acutely change maternal diastolic function during labor.
O’Brien OE, Li F, Shapiro A, Gambling D, Schmidt U. Effect of Neuraxial Blockade on Diastolic Function of Parturients at Term. Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2017; 1(1): 1005.