Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Two Interventions in Same Session in a Fontan Patient

Abdullah Erdem*, Hacer Kamalı, Doğukan Aktaş and Türkay Sarıtaş

Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Istnabul Medipopl University, Turkey

*Correspondance to: Abdullah Erdem 

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Although the perioperative mortality after the Fontan completion has significantly decreased recently, fenestrated Fontan operation is commonly performed to decrease postoperative morbidity especially in high-risk patients. Although rare, after simple ligation of the pulmonary trunk, recanalization of anterograde pulmonary flow can occur at any time postoperatively in these patients. We strongly believe that it leads ineffective pulmonary blood flow and increased ventricular volume overload in Fontan patients and may complicate the Fontan procedure by rising pulmonary artery pressure resulting in persistent pleural effusions or progressive ventricular failure. Also intentionally created fenestration in the long-term is associated with limitation in exercise tolerance and the potential risks of thrombo-embolic events. In this article we report closure of both shunts in the same catheterization session in a 10 year-old boy with Fontan physiology.


Fontan; Fenestration; Anterograde flow; Duct occluder


Erdem A, Kamalı H, Aktaş D, Sarıtaş T. Two Interventions in Same Session in a Fontan Patient. Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2018;2(1):1014.

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