Ann Bone Joint Surg | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access
Tabladillo SB1*, Kamegaya M2, Saisu T2 and Tomaru Y2
1Department of Orthopedics, Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital & Medical Center, Philippines
2Chiba Child & Adult Orthopedic Clinic, Yoh Memorial Hospital, Japan
*Correspondance to: Stephen B Tabladillo
Fulltext PDFChondromas are benign cartilaginous tumors that are common lesions of the hand. Most chondromas are enchondromas, meaning that they develop within the bone marrow. Periosteal chondroma, in contrast, is a less common, slow-growing, sharply demarcated tumor composed of hyaline cartilage and developed in contact with the periosteum, either within the periosteal membrane or between the periosteum and the bone. We present a case of a periosteal chondroma that involved the metacarpal of the right thumb for 13 years and was associated with pain after blunt trauma. The tumor was successfully treated by marginal resection.
Chondroma; Benign bone tumor; Metacarpal bone
Tabladillo SB, Kamegaya M, Saisu T, Tomaru Y. Periosteal Chondroma (Ecchondroma) of the 1st Metacarpal Bone: Case Report. Ann Bone Joint Surg. 2023; 4(1): 1012..