Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 4, Issue 7 | Case Report | Open Access

Accessory Mental Foramen and Nerve: A Rare Clinical Finding: A Case Report

Abhay Datarkar, Suraj Parmar*, Bhavana Valvi, Hema Anukula and Damyanti Walkey

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Dental College and Hospital, India

*Correspondance to: Suraj Parmar 

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The presence of accessory mental foramen and nerve is uncommon and its incidence varies with different population. As the maxillofacial surgeon is involved in various surgical procedures related to mandible, they should be familiar with the accessory mental foramen and nerve for proper treatment planning and management of surgical procedures to prevent the paresthesia. This article presents a case of 25 years old male having accessory mental foramen and nerve on right side of mandible which was encountered during orthomorphic surgery. The mental nerve was carefully dissected and preserved without getting injured. This knowledge of mental nerve’s variation is helpful in dissection & prevention of paresthesia.


Accessory Mental Nerve (AMN); Accessory Mental Foramen (AMF); Mental Nerve (MN); Mental Foramen (MF)


Datarkar A, Parmar S, Valvi B, Anukula H, Walkey D. Accessory Mental Foramen and Nerve: A Rare Clinical Finding: A Case Report. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 4(7): 1146..

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