Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 2, Issue 10 | Case Report | Open Access
Rodrigo Arrangoiz*, Daniel Margain, Fernando Cordera, David Caba, Luque-de-Leon E, Munoz Juarez M and Eduardo Moreno
Department of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology, Sociedad Quirurgica S.C., American British Cowdray Medical Center, Mexico
*Correspondance to: Rodrigo Arrangoiz
Fulltext PDFBackground: Parathyroid Cyst (PC) is a rare and unsuspected disease. There are more than 300 cases reported in the international literature. We present a case with an extensive literature review. Methods: We are reporting a patient with a PC that is a 65-years-old female with a neck ultrasound showing well-defined cystic lesion measuring 25 mm × 10 mm × 12 mm in size. She had a past medical history of non-toxic multinodular goiter. She was asymptomatic, with normal laboratory results. The patient had no evidence of parathyroid dysfunction or compressive symptoms. A Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) was performed, which confirmed the diagnosis of a PC. A left inferior parathyroidectomy was programmed successfully performed through a minimal invasive focused incision and uneventful recovery. Histopathology was confirmed with unilocular cyst with an intact capsule. Conclusion: PC is extremely rare and difficult to diagnose due to their nonspecific presentation and imaging features.
Hyperparathyroidism; Parathyroid cyst; Non-functional parathyroid cyst; Functional parathyroid cyst
Arrangoiz R, Margain D, Cordera F, Caba D, Luque-de-Leon E, Munoz Juarez M, et al. Parathyroid Cyst: Case Report and Literature Review. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019; 2(10): 1075.