Am J Gerontol Geriatr | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access
Prakriti Khanal1*, Sunita Rai1 and Hom Nath Chalise2,3
1Department of Sociology, Padmakanya Multiple Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal
2Population Association of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
3Jeevan Bikas Samaj, Katahari-2, Morang, Nepal
*Correspondance to: Prakriti Khanal
Fulltext PDFIntroduction: Very little is known about elderly parents’ quality of life after their children’s out migration.
Objective: Main objective of this study is to assess the impact of out migration of children on the elderly parents staying at old age homes.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in Kathmandu valley. It has used both quantitative and qualitative study due to limited number of respondents. Total sample size was 33 and two case studies were carried out.
Results: The mean age of the respondents was 75 (± 11.0) years. Majority of the participants were female (69.7%), almost half were illiterate and nearly two third had no income source. There were various reasons for not staying with their out-migrated children like illness, children not having time to take care of their parents, children did not like to live with their parents, adjustment problem in the new place and desire to die in their home land. Due to migration of their children, half of the respondents (54.5%) had physical problem, 78.8% had emotional problem whereas only few respondents had economic and social problems.
Conclusion: With the increasing trend of both internal and external migration of youth, elderly parents are left over alone in their homelands or some old age homes; it is crucial to analyze issues related with elderly before the problem becomes chronic with more intensive research work.
Ageing; Out migration of children; QOL; Effect on elderly; Old age homes; Nepal
Khanal P, Rai S, Chalise HN. Children’s Migration and Its Effect on Elderly People: A Study at Old Age Homes in Kathmandu. Am J Gerentol Geriatr. 2018; 1(1): 1001.