Ann Clin Otolaryngol | Volume 2, Issue 4 | Editorial | Open Access

Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx (ADEL)

Mukai S*.

Department of Otolaryngology, Mukai Clinic, Japan

*Correspondance to: Susumu Mukai 

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History and definition of tongue-tie were previous to those of ankyloglossia. There after ankyloglossia accompanied by deviation of the epiglottis and larynx (ADEL), which hindered the growth of both maxillary and mandibular bones was site. It is next consideration that the cause of ADEL is an anatomical weakness of human beings was considered next. Diverse symptoms and signs of ADEL were reported. It was concluded that ADEL is an important problem in modern medicine


Mukai S. Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx (ADEL). Ann Clin Otolaryngol. 2017; 2(4): 1021.

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