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Volume 2, Issue 2

J Dent Oral Biol. 2017;2(2):1029. | Review Article | Open Access
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Application of Immunofluorescence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases

Jed Yu Jie Lee and Hong Wan

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J Dent Oral Biol. 2017;2(2):1028. | Research Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Content of Fluoride in Available Bottled Water from the Republic of Macedonia

Ambarkova Vesna, Kochubovski Mihail, Ljuben Guguvcevski and Vanco Spirov

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J Dent Oral Biol. 2017;2(2):1027. | Case Report | Open Access
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Surgical Removal of an Impacted Supernumerary Tooth Located in a Unique Position

Trophimus Gnanabagyan Jayakaran, Vishnu Rekha C, Sankar Annamalai and Parisa Norouzi Baghkomeh

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J Dent Oral Biol. 2017;2(2):1026. | Case Series | Open Access
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Clinical Outcome of Er: YAG Laser Application for Periodontal Surgery

Hisashi Watanabe

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J Dent Oral Biol. 2017;2(2):1025. | Commentary | Open Access
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Commentary on an Article by Kwon TK, et al.: “First- Order Mathematical Correlation between Damping and Resonance Frequency Evaluating the Bone-Implant Interface”

In-Sung Luke Yeo

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