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Volume 4, Issue 2

Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2021;4(2):1045. | Research Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Hospital based Remote Advance Care Directives Advice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Study

Dekker NRP, Sabine Netters FJ, Roijen IFH, Hasker A, van de Wetering JK, Waanders F, Fiebrich FBH, Morariu A, de Groot BJW and Vissers CPK

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Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2021;4(2):1044. | Research Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

NEWS-2 Score Assessment of Inpatient Referral during the COVID-19 Epidemic

Valérie Faure, Marc Souris, Arnaud Wilmet, Franck Baudino, Albert Brizo, Christopher Malhaire, François-Xavier Peccaud and Jean-Paul Gonzalez

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Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2021;4(2):1043. | Research Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

COVID GEAS: COVID-19 National Survey in Patients with Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

Borja del Carmelo Gracia Tello, Luis Sáez Comet, Luis Martinez Lostao, Adela Marín Ballvé, Lucio Pallarés Ferreres, Carmen Pilar Simeón Aznar, José Velilla Marco and Patricia Fanlo Mateo

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