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Volume 3, Issue 3

Ann Short Rep. 2020;3(3):1060. | Editorial | Open Access
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A Case of Pericardial Tamponade Caused by Abdominal Knife Stab Injury

Zhongping Cao

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Ann Short Rep. 2020;3(3):1059. | Review Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

STUMP - A Rare Aftermath of Fibroid Surgery

Bhardwaj B, Aruna M and Shreekant D

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Ann Short Rep. 2020;3(3):1058. | Short Communication | Open Access
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The Role of mTOR Inhibitors in Breast Cancer Treatment

Benderli Cihan Y

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Ann Short Rep. 2020;3(3):1057. | Review Article | Open Access
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Post-Traumatic Lower Limb Arterial Spasm: A Common Entity and an Important Cause for Diagnostic Dilemma: A Case Series

Kapilan G and Arudchelvam J

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