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Volume 1, Issue 1

Ann Short Rep. 2018;1(1):1005. | Review Article | Open Access
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Correcting Ω6/Ω3ratio Through Combating Oxidation is the Key to the Success for Better Health

Vijai KS Shukla

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Ann Short Rep. 2018;1(1):1004. | Case Report | Open Access
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Carcinoid Tumor of the Middle Ear: A Case Report

Zhongrui Chen, Yueshuai Song, Jing Xie, Yun Liu and Shusheng Gong

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Ann Short Rep. 2018;1(1):1003. | Case Report | Open Access
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Retroperitoneal Abscess due to Lost Gallstones Mimicking Sarcoma Case Report and Literature Review

Daniel Martins Jordão, Rui Martins, João Santos Pereira and Isabel Cristina Ferrão

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Ann Short Rep. 2018;1(1):1002. | Short Communication | Open Access
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Glioblastoma E PIM Kinase

Lucia Lisi and Pierluigi Navarra

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Ann Short Rep. 2018;1(1):1001. | Case Report | Open Access
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A Mycotic SMA Aneurysm Secondary to Aortic Valve Endocarditis Causing Ischemic Strictures and Ischemic Colitis

Nawaf Abu-Omar, Jeffrey Gu, David Kopriva and Gordie Kaban

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