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Volume 4, Issue 1

Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2020;4(1):1032. | Review Article | Open Access
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COVID-19: Understanding the Physiopathology to Target the Therapy

Alain Borgeat, Barbara Rupnik, Andrea Saporito, Gina Votta-Velis and Jose Aguirre

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2020;4(1):1031. | Mini Review | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Adjunctive Analgesic Medicines, With No License for Veterinary Use, Are Commonly Used for Musculoskeletal Pain Management in Veterinary Small Animal Species. Does the Evidence Support this Practice?

Thierry Beths

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2020;4(1):1030. | Opinion | Open Access
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Dynamic LVOT Finding in Patients with End Stage Liver Disease Candidates to Liver Transplantation Perioperative Assessment

Piangatelli C, Dottori M, Lisanti I and Cerutti E

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2020;4(1):1029. | Case Study | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Abdominal Pain in a Patient with Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report

Brian Maxfield, Joseph Holtman, Troy Buck and Douglas Anderson

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Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2020;4(1):1028. | Review Article | Open Access
Abstract | Fulltext PDF

Ketamine in Current Clinical Practice: Anything New to Write Home About?

Avi A Weinbroum

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