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Volume 3, Issue 1

Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2019;3(1):1022. | Case Study | Open Access
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An Unusual Cause of Palpitation: Pectus Excavatum

Zulfiqar Ali Sandhu, Sharjeel Shaikhand Aidan Buckley

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Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2019;3(1):1021. | Case Report | Open Access
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Role of Pericardial Baffle as a Preventative Technique in Blood Loss in Patients Undergoing Complex Aortic Surgery

Aryana Nazem, Zhandong Zhou and Charles Lutz

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Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2019;3(1):1020. | Case Report | Open Access
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Ebstein’s Anomaly with Severe Tricuspid Valve Stenosis Presenting as Acute Embolic Stroke Secondary to Deep Vein Thrombosis

Veena Nanjappa, Hema Raveesh, Sadanand KS and Manjunath CN

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Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2019;3(1):1019. | Research Article | Open Access
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Cardiovascular Disease Risk Level and Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Emilio A. Antang Jr

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Ann Cardiol Cardiovasc Med. 2019;3(1):1018. | Case Study | Open Access
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Right Atrial Thrombus Associated with Permanent Dialysis Catheter in a Patient with Renal Failure

Ozgur Dag and Bilgehan Erkut

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