Open J Public Health | Volume 4, Issue 2 | Research Article | Open Access

The Quality of Physical Environment in University of North India

Shyam R1, Singh AJ2, Sharma MK3* and Anupriya4

1Department of Public Health, Panjab University, India 2Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, School of Public Health, PGIMER, India 3Center for Public Health, Punjab University, India 4Department of Public Health, Chandigarh University, India

*Correspondance to: Manoj Kumar Sharma 

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Aim: The study aimed at creating current baseline status of profile of the quality of physical environment in Panjab University, Chandigarh campus, with a view to facilitate development of a suitable policy & plan of work for its improvement. Methodology: Cross-sectional evaluation study was done to cover various houses, buildings and road stretches of Panjab University sector 14 and 25. For the roads a sample of 8 road stretches from both the sector 14 and 25 were taken into account; such that among them two were major and two were minor road from each campus. For the water and air secondary data from pollution control board was taken under consideration. For housing and buildings, out of 1,225 buildings and housing a sample of 9 building, 4 shops & cafeteria and 36 houses were drawn randomly and for the sanitation purpose one sample each from the department, market, hostel and residential area was taken from sector 14 and 25 campus. Results: Overall grading of the physical environment parameter in Panjab University, Chandigarh campus showed, mild defect in traffic worthiness, satisfactory air quality, good level of water quality, very good building quality, excellent housing condition and very good level of sanitation making an overall physical environment quality of the Panjab University campus of Moderately Good level. Conclusion: Like other universities, Panjab University also has good infrastructure. The campus has excellent, greenery with basic civic amenities. The physical environment quality of Panjab University campus was of good quality. Though there were few minor flaws in various physical environment parameters. But these can easily be rectified.


Cross-sectional; Evaluation; Quality; Parameters


Shyam R, Singh AJ, Sharma MK, Anupriya. The Quality of Physical Environment in University of North India. Open J Public Health. 2022;4(2):1034..

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