Ann Med Med Res | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Research Article | Open Access

The Application of Target-Controlled Sevoflurane Anesthesia after Saturation

Zhiyang Chen1,2*

1Department of Anaesthesiology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China
2Department of Oncology, Fudan University, China

*Correspondance to: Zhiyang Chen 

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Objectives: To achieve two targets Fet of Sevoflurane, 1.8% vol and 2.2% vol, which were fulfilled as quickly as possible in the wash in stage and stabilized on the levels all the time during the operations?
Methods: This randomized prospective study included 330 consecutive patients. The breath parameters on the anesthesia machine were set before the ventilation: TV=10 ml/kg, I:E=1:1.5, RR=15 BPM, FGF=MV. FD was set to 2.2% vol (group A) and 2.6% vol (group B) respectively. After the ventilation, the FI would reach to FD at first, and then the Fet would reach to the maximums (Group A, 1.8% vol, Group B, 2.2% vol) and stabilized on the levels. 5 minutes later again, TV was decreased to 6 ml/kg, RR was decreased to 10 BPM, a new FGF which was also equal to the new MV was set in group A and a new FGF which was equal to 50% of the new MV was set in group B, the Fet was recorded every 10 minutes in 0 min to 60 min since then. t test was used to compared the differences between the Fet at all of the time points and the expected Fet (1.8% vol, 2.2% vol) in the two groups.
Results: There were no differences between the expected target Fet and the Fet at all of the time points in the two groups. Conclusions: By means of the settings, two targets Fet were achieved.


Chen Z. The Application of TargetControlled Sevoflurane Anesthesia after Saturation. Ann Med Medical Res. 2018; 1: 1016.

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