Ann Infertil Reprod Endocrinol | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Review Article | Open Access

Taming Spermatozoa: From Their Selection to Their Use

Pérez-Marín CC*

Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Cordoba, Spain

*Correspondance to: Perez-Marin CC 

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The irruption of new technologies based on nanotechnology and new knowledge about the behavior of spermatozoa deriving from fluid mechanics are opening new pathways enabling specific cells or populations to be selected and subsequently monitored and led through a variety of systems. In the near future, spermatozoa will be "tamed" and used not only for reproductive purposes but also forth erapeutic ends. These advances will promote and improve the development of assisted reproductive technologies, enabling more successful results to be obtained. What follows is a review of the more interesting advances related to sperm monitoring, selection and utilities, in the form of a global overview of the potential future innovations in this field.


Pérez-Marín CC. Taming Spermatozoa: From Their Selection to Their Use. Ann Infert Rep Endocrin. 2018;1(1):1005.

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