Ann Clin Anesth Res | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Case Series | Open Access

Fracture of the Penis about 2 Cases and Review of the Literature

Gayito Adagba Rene A*, Aholou Mawuton AR, Nzuwa Nsilu Joel, Azakpa Assogba L, Gbegnon Lionel ED, Aketre Alagra, Kedalo Gildas F, Vignonzan Ulrich, Agonhou Regis, Boisnard Oscar, Duchnycz Laure, Seynaeve Sophie and Amegblejude KD

Department of General Surgery, Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital, Togo

*Correspondance to: Gayito Adagba Rene A 

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Little discussed, fracture of the penis is a painful and traumatic accident due to a too fast or too brutal displacement of an erect penis. The management of fractures of the penis in our context remains a rare practice and sometimes even unknown in its anatomopathological entities. We report here, 2 cases of fracture of the penis with rupture of the corpora cavernosa and the albuginea.


Fracture of the penis; Rupture of the albuginea of the corpus cavernosum


Gayito Adagba Rene A, Aholou Mawuton AR, Nsilu Joel N, Azakpa Assogba L, Gbegnon Lionel ED, Alagra A, et al. Fracture of the Penis about 2 Cases and Review of the Literature. Ann Clin Anesth Res. 2021;5(2):1042..

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