Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Volume 3, Issue 4 | Research Article | Open Access

Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Traditional Uvulectomy in Ekiti, South West, Nigeria

Olajide TG1*,Gabriel-Alayode OE2, Olajuyin OA3, Adeniyi AM4 and Adegbiji AW3

1Department of ENT, Federal Teaching Hospital, Afe-Babalola University College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ekiti, Nigeria 2Department of Family Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Afe Babalola University, Ekiti, Nigeria 3Department of ENT, Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ekiti, Nigeria 4Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ekiti, Nigeria

*Correspondance to: Olajide TG 

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Aim: The practice of traditional uvulectomy was very common especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to determine the prevalence of traditional uvulectomy among residents of Ekiti, South West Nigerian. Methodology: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted among patients who were seen at the GOPD of two tertiary health institutions in Ekiti, southwest Nigeria, from February 2019 to August 2019. Data collected include their socio-demographic characteristics, information related to the removal of the uvula, and its complication. Results: A total of 253 patients were interviewed out of which 68 had uvulectomy done, giving a prevalence of 26.9%. Of the 68 patients that had uvulectomy done, 52 (76.5%) were performed by Wanzamai. The major reason given by the respondents for uvulectomy was pain in the throat in 61 (89.7%) patients. Major complication noted after uvulectomy was painful swallowing in 19 (28.0%) respondents. 156 (61.6%) respondents claimed that there was no benefit in removing uvula. Conclusion: Traditional uvulectomy persists in developing countries due to strong cultural beliefs attached to the practice. It is usually performed during the childhood period. There is a need to intensify awareness campaigns against these ugly trends so as to prevent major morbidity and mortality.


Prevalence; Clinical profile; Traditional; Uvulectomy; Nigeria


Olajide TG, Gabriel-Alayode OE, Olajuyin OA, Adeniyi AM, Adegbiji AW. Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Traditional Uvulectomy in Ekiti, South West, Nigeria. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;3(4):1099.

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